
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Excellency Mr. Najih M.Pd, as headmaster of state islamic senior high school Lamongan
Respect table all teachers of state islamic senior high school Lamongan
Honorable all staffs of state islamic senior high school Lamongan and unforgetable all my brothers and sisters whom i love.
Well ladies and gentlemen
                First of all let’s thank and pray to our god allah SWT. Who has been giing us his mercis and blessing so, we can attend this meeting any troubles and obstacles in happy place and time.
            Secondly, my peace and solutation be with our prophet Muhammad SAW. The last messanger of god who has guided in from the darkness to brightness. From Jahiliyyah Era to Islamiyah Era, by Islam  religion.
            Thirdly, I never forget to say thank you so much to master of ceremony to giving me time in front of you all.
            Standing here i wold like to deliver  my speech under the title :
That’s all my speech, i’m as human being. I wouldn’tavoid the mistakes. I apologize to you thank you very much for your nice attention. The last i say
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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